"Ode to Bob"
From the message board for our friend Bob Smiley
Contributors: Merry (starter), MizGladriel (Rachel), FDB (funkydiscoboy Luke), MG, DoodleDez, Merry, FDB, SarahV, MG, FDB, Merry, KG_the_winner, scorch, MG, FDB, Merry, KG, KG, got7jesus (me), MG, me, SuperDaveyBoy, MG, Merry, KG, me, FDB, FDB/me
Oh Bob, this is your message board
But when you are not here we tend to get bored
So we go other places and leave this behind
But so great a place we could never quite find
So we came back in hopes that you would be here
But I heard a rumor that Peter Furler made you disappear
So we started a search party and looked all around
When all of a sudden....
our eyes were nowhere to be found!
we didn't know where to look
We thought maybe Al Gore was the crook.
But when we were escorted to his house,
His housemaid turned out to be a mouse,
So we ran out of there as soon as can be....
And ran into a tree
We saw ourselves on the ground
And said "We are on the ground"
we laughed in spite of our pain
And were resolved to go boar hunting in Spain.
But when we got there we found out
That all the boars were replaced with trout.
"This is insane!" KG replied
"you guys could care less if Bob had died!"
We agreed and started back on our way....
And we hitched a ride on Santa's sleigh
The ride was quite bumpy
We all sat on lumps
But we all knew we had to endure it
The deer chewed harder, from our weight, on his bit
We had to somehow get back to the U.S.
And find Bob Smiley where no one would guess
He was found the next day...
or so they say
And we went to where they said he was found
But suddenly we found ourselves trapped underground
And we couldn't get out, didn't know what to do
So we all started to cry "boo hoo"
And we wondered if we would ever find Bob
And we leaned on each other and started to sob
But then a voice said
"Look Mr. Ed"
He helped us
He didn’t cuss
We took a bus
Instead of a boat
Then FDB bought a goat
Then the goat said...
"Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew."
we turned this strange goat around
and a voice recording we sure found
to make it appear to be smart
And seem like it had a heart.
"Okay" our own Merry hath said
"This is getting too weird, so I'm going to bed"
So, one from our gang had retired
So a handy man we then had hired
To see if he would be our clue
In finding Bob, since we did not know what to do.
This handy man's name, turned out to be....
He was fat
He had a blue hat
His brother was Matt
Bob called us
He was all in a fuss......
and he said "I'm at a surplus"
and we all wondered "what's a surplus?"
and he said "they kidnapped me"
and we all wondered "who kidnapped he?"
so we took off with those clues
and left without taking our shoes
but our feet started to freeze
FDB said "can you pass the ketchup please?"
and we all wondered why
he said, "my goat I'm going to fry"
so we all decided to take a break....
and dine on goat liver steak
...everyone except Scorch,
who wasn't too pleased
"what do you mean???
No carrots and peas???
without my veggies
i will eat no goat!"
so she went on her way,
buttoning up her coat.
"I'm off to find Bob"
she explained to the group,
but then she tripped and
fell in a chicken coop...
and to her surprise
She found chickens in disguise
All waiting to leave,
Waiting for the sun to rise.
Alas, to her dismay she cried
But then she looked up
And a noise she did hear
It was the horn of a truck
Carrying Budweiser beer.
"uh hello?" the strange driver said
"do you need help? you looked like you bumped your head."
What a strange man, to be asking such a thing
But there was no time to think for Scorch's phone did ring...
With a little ping
FDB still trying to chew
The goat liver stew (w/ catsup)
Suddenly Bob walked up
Now the search was done
We all drank from the same cup
And fell over dead!
we all resurrected by suddenly before our eyes
Bob disappeared again and to our surprise
we heard the laugh of Peter Furler coming from somewhere
and he said he was going to steal Bob's hair
so we all started screaming, "no, please stop!"
when out of the sky, none other would drop
Al Gore on a mission to save the world
we all held our noses 'cause he smelled like mold
"Young children" he said with a wicked old scowl
"my nose has informed me I smell something fowl"
we all knew it was him and laughed to ourselves,
when out of his pockets jumped a family of elves...
they attacked us with toothpicks and tangled our hair...
then all of a sudden Bob was there
he shot down the elves with his Nerf dart gun
then looked at us all and told us to run
we ran and we ran and we ran all day
then philthegirl asked "why are we running this way?"
"i have nary a clue" my sissy (Merry) said
but if we don't stop it now, we'll all soon be dead!....again
she said this 'cos we were approaching the sea
FDB stopped and hollered, "y’all follow me!"
he took us to the land of pointless posts
were we all used one word sentences in every thread on the board
"this place is annoying," MG said out loud
when what did we see but a big black cloud
a funnel was forming as we looked on.......
...and FDB screamed as he ran to the "john"
Then appear'd Jodie Foster, out of the blue
She yelled to us all, "It's Twister 32!"
Off we dashed to cram into her truck
But we hit a mud puddle that just got us stuck
I grabbed Bob Smiley out of the sky
For the twister had picked him up as he walked by...
and along came creatures of all sorts
hogwarts, blue-bas, and hippos with worts.
And again it sounded all like a dream
Because then it started to rain whipped cream!
The whipped cream then just poured out of the sky
And Bob stood there, asking himself "why??"
Why is my messageboard the weirdist around?
Why can't they just all settle down?
But then a voice out of the sky said
"let me tell you something to your confused head.
You know that you could never part
With your messageboard pals and their golden hearts.
You know that life would be very dull
They are the m.b.'s life and soul!"
Bob smiled and said "yes this is true
But i need to get whipped cream out of my shoe"
He did and then said, "okay, I love you all"...
...Let's clean up my house, then play some v-ball!"
Off we scampered for brooms and mop-buckets
Merry covered her ears and said, "What a ruckus."
We borrowed equipment from our buddies in STOMP
But a broom fell on Luke-FDB with a "whomp!"
Colter awoke from his afternoon nap...
Colter then began to edit our posts,
He made Homegirl act like a guy, and made merry boast,
He doesn't know what boast means, nor chicken coop,
so he changed coop and made us all throw up because he changed it to poop,
"Oh NO!" exclaimed merry, for she saw...
because colter started to eat some steak that was raw
his dear mother cried
she added, so we tried.
colter ended up being okay
we sighed cuz the hospital bill we did not want to pay.
so back to our fun was next on our list....
when suddenly someone grabbed MG by the wrist
and she screamed "someone's got me, oh who could it be?"
and we all turned and looked and none other we would see
then Bob himself, or was it someone in disguise
who muttered with bad breath, "I've trapped all you guys!"
"you're not Bob smiley!" we all cried in horror
"cause Bob has coffee breath and yours smells like....
chlor-er....i mean chlorine....
and gangrene snails with rotten egg shells
and moldy old liver is how your breath smells!"
he said with a snarl and a furious frown,
"well, i had to eat something to turn my teeth brown!"
KG saved the day as she often will do
by revealing her scary bob smiley tattoo
(note: in real life, i do not have a real tattoo)
he ran away screaming, and MG did say
you should've showed him a mirror, and he would've run away
so we layed down a trap
then took a long nap
and caught the imposter in clear bubble wrap
we asked him to share his real identity
so he took off his mask and said...
With a mischevious grin, he replied "Your friend, Riley!
"Really, not some monster named Fred.
"It’s just a joke, I’m sorry for such a bad disguise"
Said Riley as he tried to apologize.
So because we all love him (admit it, we do!)
We hugged him and said "We forgive you!"
There was a funky dude
And guess what he wasnt nude
And then one day his frog named Lude
Got hit by a bus
Suddenly Peter* came to help. (* of the Newsboys)
"What happened here?" he asked with a yelp.
He had on a shirt, it was orange.
We were buried so deep, he had to forage*. (* dig to find us)