Welcome to my homepage!
I'm trying to build this into one big homepage, but it's going to take lots of time, so bear with me. Right now I have various e-mail addresses, main websites, and other pages with information about me! That's the reason for making ONE site.
I think it'd be easier to just let you check out my other websites and fun pages that I've made so far, and I'll edit this main page when I finish everything. Sound good to you? I figured you'd see it my way! *lol*
Pics taken with a small digital camera on my cellphone
My small fan pages I made for Bob Smiley
2001 Netherlands trip
World's awesomest life-saver!
Marilyn Manson vs. Ozzfest Bodyguard - Pics from the courthouse during this trial. *added 1/22/02*
"Thought-Life" -- subpages containing my thoughts on different subjects
"The Military" -- An e-mail forwarded from my dad, including 5 pictures of our military serving in "Operation Iraqi Freedom" (2003).
Did you ever stop and wonder... -- E-mail forward
TYR 4-ever -- My "The Young Riders" fan site on Tripod.
Click my computer friend to read my online journal.

Welcome page updated 6 August 2004.
Pages created with Microsoft Word 97.
Judges 5:3 and pawprint images made with Corel Photo House.
LINKS button created using Tripod's AnimationFactory and GifWorks.
Glasbergen comic used *without* permission.